Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mid-week Checkin

This weekend hasn't been going very fantastically.

I got in some walks at work and ate my normal foods and then had a follow-up appointment from my colonoscopy in November. I hadn't met the doctor except for the procedure. Well, turns out he wants to do an upper endoscopy just to be cautious. He usually does it if he finds 10+ polyps. Well, I had 9 and with a family history of polyps on both sides, he feels like he should be cautious. Good news is I only have to fast, not do the bowl prep. The bad news is I have such a horrible gag reflex (tongue depressors make me gag) that he is going to do it at the hospital so I can get more anesthesia - still no general anesthesia, but heavier than at the Endoscopy center. So that is scheduled for February 8th. Lovely, trying not to freak out about it.

My kids had made chocolate chip cookies on Sunday and due to the stress of the pending procedure, 8, yes 8, made their way into my mouth (4 each in 2 batches about 30 minutes apart, not wolfing down 8 all in one seating).

Dinner was "everyone for themselves" (story of my life this week with my husband traveling) - I had a microwaveable bag of Sobe noodles, chicken, veggies, peanut sauce/wasabi dressing combination.

Because I hadn't walked too much nor had a lot of steps, I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I listened to more Half Size me podcasts - I love them!

I knew the scale result wouldn't be great because the peanut sauce/dressing was salty.

I couldn't drop off my son at school until 8:30 so I made sure I got a 20 minute walk on treadmill before I left.

Work stress got to me and my snack was dark chocolate bits and almonds.....the rest of the chocolate got tossed today. I just can't have it in the house.

I am repeating Week 4 of C25K again so I did Day 1, running 3 min, 5 min, 3 min, 5 min at 4.7 (12:45 min mile). Afterwards I came up with a running plan for 2019 (more on that tomorrow).

My son had to be picked up at 7:00 from ski club and we hadn't had dinner before that and he wanted spaghetti, so I had 2 servings, with sauce and cheese, at 7:30. Second serving, not necessary. And no, no veggies.

I also stayed up too late. I watched 'This is Us' at 9:00 but had some other DVRed stuff I wanted to watch (and due to the chocolate at 3:30 I wasn't tired).

Today on to a better day! We are going out to dinner and nothing really healthy, but I am going to try to have something not horrible (but not "diet food" like fish).

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